DoT effects will now benefit from critical damage bonuses granted by meta gems.Heroic mode can now be accessed if only the raid leader has defeated the Lich King in normal mode

The Lich King now has a small chance to drop Shadowmourne in 25-player heroic mode Halion will now correctly use Tail Lash in Twilight realm Halion now has a small chance to drop Shadowmourne in 25-player heroic mode Spell Reflection will now reflect correct spells.Minions will now gain buffs and debuff in Icecrown Citadel.DoT effects will now benefit from critical damage bonuses.Spirit Wolves will now gain buffs and debuff in Icecrown Citadel.Critical chance and damage bonuses will now be preserved when a DoT effect is refreshed by a proc.Water Elemental will now gain buffs and debuff in Icecrown Citadel.Pets will now gain buffs and debuff in Icecrown Citadel.DoT effects will now benefit from critical damage bonuses granted by Predatory Instincts.Druids will now be able to correctly cast spells out of shapeshift form.Risen Ghoul will now gain buffs and debuff in Icecrown Citadel.Dancing Rune Weapon will now apply it's own diseases and correctly mimic the attacks.Item - Death Knight T10 Tank 2P Bonus fixed.Anti-Magic Shell will now correctly grant immunity to harmful magical effects.Death Runes will now be refreshed from Death Rune Mastery, Blood of the North or Reaping procs.Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme is available.Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom is available.Trial of the Grand Crusader is available.Valithria Dreamwalker is fully scripted.Blood-Queen Lana'thel is fully scripted.Blood Prince Council encounter is fully scripted.Deathbringer Saurfang is fully scripted.Icecrown Citadel Normal and Heroic is available.Ruby Sanctum Normal and Heroic is available.Security and Foresight - Professional management ensures long-term prosperity of the server.No Lag - Players will never experience lag on our realms.